The 1820 “STATESOF” Capped Bust Dime (Buy on eBay) is one of the more appealing varieties in the series. The variety is quickly identified by the placement of the words “States of America” in relation to each other.

The words of the inscription were improperly placed by the die maker, crowding together the three words of the inscription. The reverse die was first used to strike a reasonable number of dimes in 1814, after which the die was placed into storage. No dimes were produced for several years, but when production was resumed in 1820, the reverse die was used again to strike the scarce die marriage known as JR-1.
This is one of several Capped Bust Dime varieties listed in the Red Book, and its unusual nature leads to popularity with collectors. Most coins available are circulated, although uncirculated examples appear on the market every few years.